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Check out the Voting Matters podcast with LWV of Lexington President Liza Holland and WUKY’s News Director Alan Lytle

LWV of Lexington works to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government. We may take action on local government measures and policies in the public interest in conformity with the principles of the League of Women Voters of the US. We do not support or oppose any political party or candidate.

LWV of Lexington supports the Parks Sustainable Funding ballot referendum for a dedicated funding source for Lexington parks. Visit to learn all about the campaign and the question that will appear on the ballot this election season! Vote YES!

LWV of Lexington and LWVKY oppose the use of public funds for private schools. We oppose proposed Constitutional Amendment 2 that will appear on the ballot this election season. Visit to learn more about this issue. Vote NO on this amendment!

Information sheet from the Kentucky School Boards Association

School Board Districts 1, 3, and 5 will have elections this November and we want to help you get to know the candidates! Join us at UK’s Cornerstone Facility on October 24th, 6-8pm, for a School Board Candidate Forum where you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions directly to the candidates in a small group setting. We’ll also have free food for attendees provided by UK catering. REGISTER FOR FREE To volunteer to staff a table for the LWV at this event, email

Watch recorded Candidate Forums for the 2024 General Election on our YouTube Channel. Check back weekly for additional recordings.

We have a nonpartisan canvass training on Tuesday Oct 8 from 6-7PM ET. Learn more here: Then look for upcoming events here:


Our Programs

The League of Women Voters of Lexington strives to provide a service to our community of citizens.  We work to educate people on the importance of voting, addressing voter issues and barriers to free and fair elections. Our programs are expanding, following the interests of new and existing members.

Candidate Forums

The LWV provides a fair, structured  format for candidates to share their ideas and stances with the voting public. 

VOTE 411

Register to vote, check your registration, find out where to vote and who is on your particular ballot. Tons of information available at

Community Conversations

Throughout the year the League identifies concerns in the community,  then invites local experts to discuss the issue, stimulate a conversation and inform potential actions.

Voter Registration

The League provides voter registration at various community centers, festivals, living facilities and other events and spaces. 

Observer Corps

Volunteers attend government and community meetings to ensure transparency in decision-making. 

Naturalization Ceremonies

Within minutes of becoming a citizen, the League is there to help our country's newest citizens take the first step in their civic responsibilities: registering to vote!

Voter Enfranchisement

Whether it is the challenge of partisan-drawn voting districts or the obstacles faced by people with prior felony convictions seeking to regain their civil rights, the League works to identify barriers to a working democracy. Every citizen deserves to have their voice heard and to have fair representation in government.


The League of Women Voters has conducted a study of Open Primaries and after gathering feedback from the membership, the League is in support of legislation that would open primaries in Kentucky to include the ability for Independents and Other to vote in the primary elections.


What the League does...

We work to help keep citizens engaged in the democratic process through voter education, studying issues, defining League positions related to them, and working to pass effective legislation to address them. The League also participates in voter registration drives, candidate forums, and various community programs.

We believe informed voting is key to allowing our government to function as a representation of its citizens; each citizen should have their voice be heard through exercising their right to vote.

Learn More


The number of poll workers signed up to work the polls can determine how many polling places to open on Election Day. Sign up today @powerthepolls to ensure as many polling locations stay open in your area as possible! #PowerThePolls

Our Mission:

Creating a More Perfect Democracy.

The League of Women Voters of Lexington, KY is the local chapter of a national nonpartisan political organization that works to encourage the informed and active participation of citizens in government.

lwv Lexington-centennial-logo_template-web-1.png

“The LEAGUE inspired me to think critically about my democracy in a way that I had never had to before. Not only was I led to examine the problems facing our society today, I was also forced to confront my own responsibility to be proactive and promote real journalism and civic engagement.

I realized that it’s up to us, the citizens, to be aware of what is happening in our government, and to that end was delighted to become more involved with the League and learn about all the steps we can take to support our democracy."

—Sadie Bograd, League member since 2017


Contact your Local Representatives

Get Involved!

There are various ways that you can support the mission of the League of Women Voters! We welcome time, talent and donations!

Not sure if you are ready to join? We welcome people to volunteer (candidate forum, voter registration, naturalization ceremony, or observer corps) as a way to meet other members and see first hand what the League is accomplishing in your community!


Join the League

Become a member of the League of Women Voters, the organization that fought for women's suffrage and continues to advocate for voter rights.  It is not just for women!

Volunteer opportunities

Have you been wanting to get more involved with what is happening in the world, but don't know where to start? Check out our volunteer opportunities that only take an hour or two!

Make a Donation

Your contribution helps the League provide candidate forums and other voter outreach activities in Lexington.