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From CivicLex: Practicing Democracy Together Talk: The Open System Institute and SCG Leadership Collaboration Network

From CivicLex: Join us for Practicing Democracy Together: The Open System Institute and SCG Leadership Collaboration Network.

The TALK will be moderated by Landon Mascareñaz, Co-Founder of The Open System Institute and co-author of The Open System: Redesigning Education and Reigniting Democracy from Harvard Education Press, with an introduction from @Sandy Boyd, CEO and Co-Founder at Seek Common Ground (SCG).

Dr. Mascareñaz will host a panel made up of SCG Leadership Collaboration Network members Kit Anderson (CivicLex), Morgan Craven (Intercultural Development Research Association), and Sanford Johnson (TeachPlus Mississippi). The leaders will discuss how they put open leadership principles into practice during their time in the Network, and what it means for the future of their work in engaging communities and systems. 


All of our SCG TALKs are open to the public, so feel free to spread the word to colleagues and others who you think would be interested!